
I would like to acknowledge Sally Jo Cunningham, Tony Dale, Paul Heath, Robyn Kāmira, Tony Lyne and Jeremy McClure for their help in planning, selecting and reviewing material for this book. I would particularly like to thank all the authors for their enthusiasm, hard work and dedication in researching and preparing their chapters. Each chapter was independently reviewed by at least two people and I would like to express gratitude to all those who were involved in that process. Thanks to Matthew Bartlett for organising layout and production under considerable time pressure. This book builds on and incorporates the previous two books and I would like to acknowledge the efforts of all who were involved in producing both Return to Tomorrow and Looking Back to Tomorrow which form the foundations of this publication. —JT

Important note

The chapters in this book contain the honestly held views and opinions of their authors only. While fact-checking has been undertaken where possible, those selected to contribute are recognised experts in their field, hence where an opinion or viewpoint has been expressed it has been left in its entirety. Please be aware, however, that these viewpoints may be opinion only and do not necessarily reflect the position of IT Professionals New Zealand.