by the Rt. Hon. DR Lange, Prime Minister of New Zealand
It is timely that this anniversary publication comes in the first year of operation of the Technology Advancement Trust. The Silver Jubilee book presents a valuable record of the formative years of the data processing industry in New Zealand.
The Technology Advancement Trust looks ahead to what comes next.
It is essential if we are to maintain our place in the world that we take full advantage of the new technology. In particular, it is those who make the best use of the wealth of information that is becoming available through computer based systems who will prosper.
Computers are playing an ever-increasing role in our lives. New Zealand cannot afford to lag behind.
If industry in New Zealand is to be efficient it must come to terms with the incredible pattern of development and obsolescence. There are opportunities for New Zealand. If we do not take them, we are likely to be faced with the increasing obsolescence of our industries by world standards and increasing difficulties for our exporters.
As we move ahead in the use of computer technology there needs to be a constant awareness that the virtues of technology are not unqualified. Technological changes inevitably raise concerns — that jobs will be lost — that the quality of life will diminish.
As the New Zealand Computer Society embarks on its next 25 years of work, I remind all those in the business of the advancement of technology to do so with responsibility.
Encourage the widest possible public awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of technology and promote the productive resolution of conflicts and differences.
I commend the society for this fascinating publication and for guiding the development of computing in this country through its early years.